The employment rate of factory workers rate has gone down drastically, especially noting the uncertainties of the pandemic. Factories and organizations claimed to have one of the highest turnover rates during this time of the pandemic. However, despite all the uncertainties the Malaysian government has stated that the economy must go on in order to protect the situation of the country and do not result in the condition of citizens in a bad situation. The manufacturing industry is known to be one of the largest contributors to the nation’s economy. Hence, general workers are the primary contributors to the development of the economy. However, workers have often not been treated the way they should and are being taken lightly. Factory workers well being one of the utmost importance in the contribution to a quality lifestyle among workers that contributes to positive growth in an organization
Here are some of the ways to ensure the well-being of workers are well maintained in order to ensure a good organizational environment.
A Regular Supervision On Workers Well Being
A regulation on the vitality of supervising the mental and physical well-being of workers regularly should be incorporated by all manpower agency in Malaysia. For instance, supervisors should perform a regular visitation to their workplace to monitor if they acquire a good working environment. In a case of lack from the factory management side or workers should be entitled to report this to the person in charge for both factory and manpower agency. Visitation to workers hostel shall be done regularly to ensure that there is no disruption in harmony and workers are all living a safe and comfortable environment
Worker Salary To Be Out On Time
The importance of workers well being cannot be emphasized enough, thus there are other important elements that are needed to be considered to ensure that the organization consists of a good and coherent flow. Another factor that can be considered in incorporating is to ensure workers are well paid and most importantly are paid on time. Considering now during the time of the pandemic, factories and organizations are a little slow in moving in terms of financial capacity. Hence, despite the fact that factories delay in payment, a local manpower supply agency in Malaysia shall instead consider forking out the fund in advance and post-release an invoice to clients (factories).
A Systematic Organizational Management
An organization requires a systematic approach in order to have a clear direction pertaining their organizational goals and objectives. Therefore, it is important that the management lays a strategic plan to ensure that workers are in a comfort zone with the feeling that their job has a sense of security and is firm, therefore, this would especially attract an individual with a commitment. Hence, this would get them to stay longer at work, directly contributing to lower the turnover rate at the workplace.
In conclusion, the above-stated factors are able to contribute to good and stable organizational growth. In addition, both factories and manpower recruitment agencies are urged to work hand in hand for a good organizational reputation and workers strategies.